Early Learning Goals for Homeschool
Browse the Goals below, or CLICK on the links listed to be taken to a specific category.
listen to and answer questions about a story
explain her favorite part of a story
reenact stories during playtime
hold a book correctly and turn pages
clap out syllables
identify letters and sounds
gradually develop reading skills
occasionally point out letters and model what sounds they make
buy letter magnets and lose within one month
Writing (fine motor)
color inside the lines (mostly)
draw illegible handwriting
trace letters
draw loops, sticks, circles
trace a stencil
attempt real letters
Phonics, Decoding, & Word Recognition (Kindergarten and up)
Know upper-and lowercase letters of the alphabet
Know letter sounds for all of the consonants and short vowels (a,e,i,o,u)
Be able to blend short sequences of phonemes to form words
Understand syllabication - count number of syllables in a word
Know simple VCC, CVCC, and CCVC words (Vowel Consonant Consonant)
Recognize their own names in print
Know age appropriate sight words
​Math Goals (Kindergarten and up)
Be able to group objects into sets
Identify and continue simple repeating patterns
Be able to count from 1 to 31
Understand one-to-one correspondence
Identify ordinal positions from first to fifth
Given a number, be able to identify one more than one less
Understand the concept of one-half
Know the meaning of the plus and minus signs
Be able to add and subtract numbers from 1 to 10
Solve simple story problems
Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills
Know what a thermometer is
Know the days of the week in order
Identify basic two-dimensional shapes
Science & Technology
Basic life cycle of humans and animals
Different animals eat and behave differently
some animals change or transform in their life cycle - butterflies & caterpillars
Kindergarten and up-
Know the 3 states of matter - solid, liquid, gas
Investigate Forces of Motion
Experiment with light and shadow
Difference in living and non-living things
Basic introduction to animals
Human body systems and the 5 senses
Know basic composition of the Earth and the basic features of the sun and moon
Be familiar with different types of weather
History & Social Studies
Discuss holidays
Identify and discuss significant people from history
people lived, worked, and ate differently in the past
maps and globes show where people live
money helps people trade for what they want
American History
Before Europeans arrived: Native Americans
Early European exploration and settlement of North America
Overview of the Revolutionary War
Slavery, the underground railroad, and the Civil War
Moving West and Pioneer Life
Recognize national symbols, like the flag
World History
be familiar with maps and globes
draw simple maps of areas like bedrooms or yard
Learn about the 7 continents
Health & Safety Goals
healthy personal habits like sleep, nutritious meals, and personal hygiene
purpose of the 5 senses
illness is caused by germs- wash hands and cover mouth when sneezing
safety rules like seat belts, helmets, crossing street with an adult and in a cross walk
how to call for help from an adult or how to dial 911
Character Goals
Name their own feelings
notice feelings of others
understand right from wrong
modify behavior with reminders
share with others
play alone for short periods of time
Physical Goals
Dress self
Take care of bathroom needs
cut with scissors
brush their own teeth
kick ball
Mental Development Goals
understand concepts of time- yesterday and tomorrow
identify colors
follow one-step instructions
sort objects by one attribute (color or size)
speak in sentences with a subject and verb
play with simple puzzles
ask to read and pretend to read
try to write
count objects
recognize some letters
put toys and materials away